Spring 2024: Our blossom diary
In this blog Herne Hill Tree Watch is doing a little bit of amateur phenology. That's the science of changes that plants and animals...
October 2022: Red is the colour
Autumn is well and truly underway, and with the clocks changing in a week’s time winter seems just around the corner. We’ve already got...
April 2022: Colour returns to SE24
After a stormy winter, early spring in Herne Hill brought perfect growing weather. In the last two weeks of March our young trees had...
July 2021: Fruits and nuts
Our weather is still very unpredictable, but the sun and rain in early July have given our street trees a welcome growth spurt. Look...
April 2021: Time to get watering
As the sun climbs steadily in the sky and the weather becomes warmer and drier, our street trees are gearing up for a rapid growth spurt....
March 2020: Funding success
We're now officially in springtime, so our work looking after the street trees of Herne Hill is going to start building up very soon....