Spring 2024: Our blossom diary
In this blog Herne Hill Tree Watch is doing a little bit of amateur phenology. That's the science of changes that plants and animals...
Summer 2023: Ripening fruit
It's late July, the middle of summer. The flowering frenzy of springtime seems a long time ago, and there are still a couple of months to...
July 2022: The matchless medlar
The first week of July saw the council’s contractors still out planting trees that should have been in place by the end March. Now, in...
August 2021: How trees are named
The past couple of weeks have really brought home the power and immediacy of global heating. We've seen torrential rainfall here,...
July 2021: Fruits and nuts
Our weather is still very unpredictable, but the sun and rain in early July have given our street trees a welcome growth spurt. Look...
September 2020: Into autumn
Autumn is upon us (by the meteorological calendar, at least) and our street trees are already changing colour. Limes and birches are...
August 2020: Maintenance work
July was a busy month for maintenance and now we’re starting to shift focus towards maximising the number of trees we can get planted...