November 2024: Our lost trees
Trees, like people, die for any number of reasons but old age is the obvious one. 'Old' can mean just a few decades for small trees, but...
November 2022: Autumn postcards
Just a few days ago we experienced the warmest Armistice Day (November 11) ever, a troubling portent of what lies ahead. “The past eight...
October 2022: Red is the colour
Autumn is well and truly underway, and with the clocks changing in a week’s time winter seems just around the corner. We’ve already got...
September 2022: The maple lineup
Depending on which calculation you choose, autumn has either already arrived or will be here in a fortnight’s time. ‘Meteorological...
April 2022: Colour returns to SE24
After a stormy winter, early spring in Herne Hill brought perfect growing weather. In the last two weeks of March our young trees had...
August 2021: How trees are named
The past couple of weeks have really brought home the power and immediacy of global heating. We've seen torrential rainfall here,...
February 2021: Digging tree pits
The last couple of weeks have felt like deepest midwinter, but the days are getting longer, the sun is gradually climbing in the sky and...
July 2020: Street leaders wanted
Welcome to our first newsletter of the summer. First, a note about ambitious planting targets - globally and closer to home. Trillion...
May 2020: The first sapling
We've had some very welcome rain this week after a long period of warm, dry weather, but watering vulnerable young trees remains our...
April 2020: Under lockdown
We hope that you’re all in good health, coping well with the lockdown and enjoying this glorious spring. As you can appreciate, our...
March 2020: Funding success
We're now officially in springtime, so our work looking after the street trees of Herne Hill is going to start building up very soon....
February 2020: Planting plans
Winter is normally a quiet time for street trees, but we’ve got some bits of news that we wanted to share with you before spring comes...