January 2023: New year, new trees
In this time of climate change, can we rely on our traditional calendar of the seasons any longer? In July 2022 Southwark council was...
December 2022: Planting time again
Now that the third warmest November on record has come to an end, winter has swept down from the Arctic and the first frosts of the...
October 2022: Red is the colour
Autumn is well and truly underway, and with the clocks changing in a week’s time winter seems just around the corner. We’ve already got...
September 2022: The maple lineup
Depending on which calculation you choose, autumn has either already arrived or will be here in a fortnight’s time. ‘Meteorological...
July 2022: The matchless medlar
The first week of July saw the council’s contractors still out planting trees that should have been in place by the end March. Now, in...
June 2022: Which birch is which?
After an unpredictable May the hot weather finally arrived in mid-June. This is a dangerous time of year for our youngest trees,...
May 2022: The seasons change
The seasons are changing from late spring to early summer, and even though the weather is still pretty erratic the temperature is...
April 2022: Colour returns to SE24
After a stormy winter, early spring in Herne Hill brought perfect growing weather. In the last two weeks of March our young trees had...
March 2022: Lost cherry plums
Spring seems to have arrived in earnest in the first week of March, with longer days, bluer skies, temperatures in double figures and the...
January 2022: Winter tree ID
It’s a strange experience, walking our streets during this frosty January with none of the familiar leaves, fruit or flowers on the...
December 2021: Vintage planes
Winter is just around the corner but quite a few of our street trees seem determined to wear their colourful autumn cloaks for as long as...
November 2021: Future-proofing
You may have noticed a lot of new trees appearing on the slopes of Herne Hill this month - not just on the Southwark side but over the...
October 2021: Magnolia Ave SE24
We’re well into autumn now, and the seasonal colours are coming along nicely. Burbage Road, Stradella Road and Winterbrook Road are all...
September 2021: Planting plans
Autumn has arrived on our doorsteps a couple of weeks early, hastened by the cold, sunny spring and the wet summer. The liquidambars...
August 2021: How trees are named
The past couple of weeks have really brought home the power and immediacy of global heating. We've seen torrential rainfall here,...
July 2021: Fruits and nuts
Our weather is still very unpredictable, but the sun and rain in early July have given our street trees a welcome growth spurt. Look...
June 2021: Watering in the wet
We’re in the first days of summer and the sun is finally shining, but it’s been a puzzling spring. After an exceptionally cold and dry...
May 2021: Much blossom, no rain
This has been a pretty unusual spring, weatherwise. Apart from the unseasonal cold, the serious lack of rain week after week has been bad...
April 2021: Time to get watering
As the sun climbs steadily in the sky and the weather becomes warmer and drier, our street trees are gearing up for a rapid growth spurt....
March 2021: Top 20 trees
It's been a long time coming but springtime is finally upon us. The warmer air and the longer days mean buds are swelling and blossom is...