Winter 2023/24: Weathering storms
Climate change has brought turbulence to our natural seasons and we can clearly see the impact on our street trees. The hottest ever...
Autumn 2023: It's finally arrived
Autumn 2023 has taken a long time to arrive, but at last it’s here. Going by the Met Office seasonal calendar, which takes September to...
December 2022: Planting time again
Now that the third warmest November on record has come to an end, winter has swept down from the Arctic and the first frosts of the...
November 2022: Autumn postcards
Just a few days ago we experienced the warmest Armistice Day (November 11) ever, a troubling portent of what lies ahead. “The past eight...
October 2022: Red is the colour
Autumn is well and truly underway, and with the clocks changing in a week’s time winter seems just around the corner. We’ve already got...
December 2021: Vintage planes
Winter is just around the corner but quite a few of our street trees seem determined to wear their colourful autumn cloaks for as long as...
November 2021: Future-proofing
You may have noticed a lot of new trees appearing on the slopes of Herne Hill this month - not just on the Southwark side but over the...
November 2020: The liquidambars
We’ve had a superb autumn show on the streets of Herne Hill, and while the heavy rain and strong winds of late October have stripped away...
October 2020: New planting sites
We’d hoped to be able to bring you news in this issue of the council’s plans for the November-March tree planting season, but...
September 2020: Into autumn
Autumn is upon us (by the meteorological calendar, at least) and our street trees are already changing colour. Limes and birches are...