August 2021: How trees are named
The past couple of weeks have really brought home the power and immediacy of global heating. We've seen torrential rainfall here,...
July 2021: Fruits and nuts
Our weather is still very unpredictable, but the sun and rain in early July have given our street trees a welcome growth spurt. Look...
June 2021: Watering in the wet
We’re in the first days of summer and the sun is finally shining, but it’s been a puzzling spring. After an exceptionally cold and dry...
May 2021: Much blossom, no rain
This has been a pretty unusual spring, weatherwise. Apart from the unseasonal cold, the serious lack of rain week after week has been bad...
April 2021: Time to get watering
As the sun climbs steadily in the sky and the weather becomes warmer and drier, our street trees are gearing up for a rapid growth spurt....
March 2021: Top 20 trees
It's been a long time coming but springtime is finally upon us. The warmer air and the longer days mean buds are swelling and blossom is...