February 2022: More winter ID
The days are finally getting longer and - although it might not feel like it - spring is definitely around the corner. Tree buds are...
January 2022: Winter tree ID
It’s a strange experience, walking our streets during this frosty January with none of the familiar leaves, fruit or flowers on the...
December 2021: Vintage planes
Winter is just around the corner but quite a few of our street trees seem determined to wear their colourful autumn cloaks for as long as...
November 2021: Future-proofing
You may have noticed a lot of new trees appearing on the slopes of Herne Hill this month - not just on the Southwark side but over the...
October 2021: Magnolia Ave SE24
We’re well into autumn now, and the seasonal colours are coming along nicely. Burbage Road, Stradella Road and Winterbrook Road are all...
September 2021: Planting plans
Autumn has arrived on our doorsteps a couple of weeks early, hastened by the cold, sunny spring and the wet summer. The liquidambars...