February 2023: Fruits of our labour
Before we go any further, a correction. In the last issue of the newsletter our co-organiser Jeff embarrassingly misidentified the two...
January 2023: New year, new trees
In this time of climate change, can we rely on our traditional calendar of the seasons any longer? In July 2022 Southwark council was...
December 2022: Planting time again
Now that the third warmest November on record has come to an end, winter has swept down from the Arctic and the first frosts of the...
November 2022: Autumn postcards
Just a few days ago we experienced the warmest Armistice Day (November 11) ever, a troubling portent of what lies ahead. “The past eight...
October 2022: Red is the colour
Autumn is well and truly underway, and with the clocks changing in a week’s time winter seems just around the corner. We’ve already got...
September 2022: The maple lineup
Depending on which calculation you choose, autumn has either already arrived or will be here in a fortnight’s time. ‘Meteorological...